Devlog #5 - Almost There

Hi, everyone, it's nearly the end of the project and here we are with new updates! 

Because you guys have been waiting for so long, we decided to give you another update before the final release so you can help us with the finishing touches. 

Map: In our last blog we were starting a new configuration for levels, and it finally took form. Now we implemented a new map in the first level so the users can explore and feel the atmosphere of the videogame. 

Inventory: The player can save and pick the dust that they found more convenient. The inventory will test the user’s ability to decide which color is best for the situation they’re in… 

Health Bar: The character now has a health bar where the player can see how much damage a monster makes them, and how many life they have left. 

Enemies: These creatures are now able to accept shader with the new and improved code. Wait until we finally reveal their faces! 

Bugs: We fix the bugs with the flashlight and the ones with the spawn of the enemies. 

Full Screen Options: Now you can pick the resolution of the game however you like it! Aswell as the screen size. 

Upcoming…. The final version of the game is soon to be released. Stay tuned for more information

Pixel Brigade

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