Devlog #2 - Mechanics

The Adventure Continues: Big News from Pixel Brigade

Hey everyone! Pixel Brigade has some cool updates to share in this devlog!


  • Now, enemies can pop up anywhere in the game.
  • They'll come after you, making things more exciting!


  • We made the flashlight better. Now, you can charge it up to blast enemies by pressing 'Q'.
  • It charges as you move and goes down when you stop.
  • Using the flashlight on enemies will slow them down, giving you an edge.


We fixed how characters and enemies collide into each other. It's smoother now!

What's Next?

  • We're adding winning and losing rules to make the game even more interesting.
  • New flashlights with cool effects and new mechanics.
  • Enemies will oclude the light. 
  • Get ready for huge enemy hordes!
  • And we're working on a inventory system to find and carry new items during the game.

Keep an eye out for more updates as we keep making Keep Watching Them awesome

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