Devlog #3 - Mechanics PT.2

New updates from Pixel Brigade!

Hi everyone, it’s been some time since our last devlog, and we wanted to fill you in on all the new and awesome progress we’ve made so far. Here are all the details from Keep Watching Them.


This element of the game is the most important part if you want to win! It helps you see where the enemies are coming from and is your only weapon available to escape. Now, it has new features!

You’ll be able to pick up and use light filters for the flashlight, and each one has a different color and effect on the enemies. You will have to be clever, though, because in the darkness, nothing is what it seems…

  • Up until now, it is possible to pick up a light filter from the map and switch between all the collected colors and the base light.

Behind the scenes 

Our programmers are working very hard to make Keep Watching Them one of the scariest games of the 2024 season. Now, it is oriented to a game of levels, increasing in terror and entertainment at the same rate. We’ve been working on level management and structural features that will make a big impact on the user’s experience.

What’s next?

  • Win condition.
  • Defeat condition.
  • Pocket for the light filters.
  • Option menu implementation.
  • New assets and gruesome effects.
  • Music and scary noises!

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Pixel Brigade

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