Devlog #1 - First Steps

A New Journey Awakens!

Pixel Brigade is a group of enthusiastic gamers and fellow students from the University de Chile. Currently, the group is designing an intense 2D top-downgame called: Keep Watching Them.  At the moment, the development has entered its pre-alpha stage, where the team is laying the groundwork for the game's core features and mechanics.

Wandering Light

Keep Watching Them is an intense 2D top-down adventure that will push your intellect, sharpness, and reflexes to their limits. The protagonist awakens in an unfamiliar location with no memory of how he got there, but as his instincts kick in, he realizes he is not alone. He has just one goal: to survive at all costs.

As he finds a flashlight, the darkness begins to reveal its secrets, guiding him through the shadows and uncovering clues about his surroundings. With each step forward, his determination grows stronger. Hope is not lost. The flashlight that he now holds, becomes his beacon of hope, casting away the shadows of uncertainty and illuminating his path through the unknown.

Mechanics & Gameplay

The gameplay consists on utilizing the flashlight discovered in the initial chapter to avoid enemies that are following the protagonist. When the flashlight is activated, these adversaries are unable to follow you as fast as they can while being in darkness. Therefore, the objective is to use the flashlight to blind them, allowing you to proceed to the next location and ultimately find your way out.

First Steps

Currently, as previously mentioned, the game is in pre-alpha stage. It is being developed using Godot, using assets from many sources.

Several initial features have been implemented since the project started. Some of these are outlined in the following list:

  • The player's movement has been implented (using mouse and keyboard).
  • The illumination has been added and synced with the player's controller.
  • The camara has been placed above the player and is able to follow its movement.
  • Assetss has been chosen and added into the project (map tiles, character).
  • The main menu is added to the game with its components (start, options, credits, exit).

Next Steps

  • Add enemies that follow the player around the map.
  • Randomize the enemies location and spawn.
  • Add animation to the characters.
  • Implement fog of war.

Character's Movement & Basic Illumination

Character's Movement & Basic Illumination

Get Keep Watching Them

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